Thursday, April 6, 2017


As evidence that society will go to any length to keep us entertained, distracted, controlled, or whatever conspiracy theory explanation there is for television out there, I find myself a fan of 60 Days In: Atlanta on A&E. I still don't know why in the hell these people would volunteer to go to jail for 60 days but watching the entire experience is amazing. Sometimes, though, I think the real inmates would be just as entertaining without the participants. The real inmates are the life of the show. Immediately, I was alarmed at the behavior of the inmates, but then I was more alarmed at the behavior of the employees. The environment would be enough to drive a person to act a damned fool.  The participants are pretty cool, but some of them stand out to me. Mauri is a former corrections officer who goes in to see the other side. She is mild-mannered young women who remembers being bullied growing up. I still don't understand why 60 damned days was necessary. You can figure out how you feel about jail in 7 days. I'd be ready to go after a night or two. Jail is bad. Don't Go. Stay in School.  Send me home!

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