Ex-Vice Presidential Candidiate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has joined Fox "News" as a commentator. Political pundits are saying that it may be a political move as many have considered Palin a contender for 2012 since her and John McCain were issued a crushing, landslide, historical defeat in 2008 by their democratic counterparts. Some feel that Palin may have a better chance at making a name for herself politically by becoming a subjournalist rather than holding a respectable public office such as Governor of a State. In a politically savvy move, Palin will now have direct via satellite access to her conservative, red-state, Fox News watching base all over America in the millions and not just the 15 people who live in Alaska. However, she was also have those who are fascinated by her strictly off of her sideshow antics such as appearing on Saturday Night Live dancing with a rapping mooose or reading William Shatner's autobiography on The Tonight Show. Palin is another product of our celebrity-obsessed society and with help from the Obamas have made a spectacle out of public office. People are fascinated by her just as we are of Tiffany Pollard from "I love New York". What the hell is going on?
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